Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay On The Iron Jawed Angels - 1418 Words

What is the meaning of Suffrage? It is the term used to describe the right to vote as a legal and natural born right. When people are without it, they work hard to eventually get it because they want to become equal to others. Without having the ability to vote, one cannot have a say in what goes on around them. The most powerful period for women and their fight for the right to vote was from 1890 to 1920. Women believed that if they had the same rights as men at that time that all their issues would be solved. They had a lot of troubles and without being able to vote, they believed that they would have difficulties of changing the future for themselves and their daughters. The women s situation in the 1900s seemed unpromising. Everything†¦show more content†¦Nobody supported these women no matter how much they talked to the people in office or the people of the public. They had to somehow make the government and the president, who was Woodrow Wilson (Bob Gunton) at the time , change these regulations against women, giving them the right to vote and discuss law just like men. As a result, a group of women gathered together to go out to protest until their rights are granted. This caused several women to get unlawfully arrested. However, the women found a way to protest while being incarcerated and eventually they were given the rights they deserved by the president. Through the analyzation of the elements in a film, Alice and Lucy’s true passion and efforts were revealed through their continued devotion and perseverance, which demonstrates that anyone can make difference and gain some control. First off, the film’s direction, staging and set displayed a great sense of the women’s dedication to making their movement happen. Although there are a few important and reoccurring characters, the character that was mostly focused on was Alice Paul. The director and filmmakers made her character seem bold and confident. In one scene, the women are holding a nonviolence protest in front of the White House gate. The protested for many days. In some days there was rain, snow, heavyShow MoreRelated Iron Jawed Angels Essays546 Words   |  3 PagesIron Jawed Angels Iron Jawed Angels is a film which portrays the womens suffrage movement during the 1920s. The film is a documentary and a drama which uses live action and music to deliver the sympathetic and distressful mood the film creates. An example of the distressful mood is when the suffragists refuse to eat when they go to prison. This shows how passionate and distressed the suffragists are to get the 19th amendment passed, which would give women the right to vote. The films messageRead MoreIron Jawed Angels Essay640 Words   |  3 Pageswere seen working in factories or as teachers but they had no say in the government. Thanks to a few women dedicated to making a difference, women have become more independent and now have a say in the government if they choose too. The movie Iron Jawed Angels depicts a group of women who wanted women to have a voice in politics. First thing they had to do was get women the right to vote. Alice Paul and Lucy Burns were the two leaders of the NWP (National Womans Party). The two women are an inspirationRead MoreIron Jawed Angels Essay594 Words   |  3 PagesThis film was dramatic and inspiring. This film opened my eyes to understand the struggles that woman have gone through to get the freedoms that they experience today. I would have to say that one of the definite strengths of this film was the cast itself. Because of the nature of this film, I could get a real sense of the actual â€Å"suffering† of these women. I would have to admit that I was completely ignorant on how this suffrage movement has literally shaped the voting rights of women in AmericaRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Iron Jawed Angels By Martin Luther King Jr930 Words   |  4 Pagesdream speech† that took place on August 28, 1963. Dr. King led to the ending of the legal segregation among black and white people. In Dr. Kings essay â€Å"Three ways of Responding to Oppression, he cle arly states three ways to deal with oppression. Dr. King believed the best defense against oppression being that of nonviolent resistance. The film Iron Jawed Angels (IJA) is also great example of oppression with the struggle to women rights in the United States. Mr. King stated that there are three ways of

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